BBVA: Causality in a real use case in banking
In retail banking, understanding our clients is critical to offering them the best solutions and products. This talk presents an innovative approach based on causality to calculate optimal financial discounts aiming to benefit both the institution and its clientele. Traditional machine learning techniques fall short in this scenario due to the impossibility of making randomized controlled trials and the presence of confounding bias in observational data. We demonstrate with preliminary results on a real use case how causal inference methodologies can overcome these limitations, enabling us to estimate the effect of financial discounts. Our approach allows for interventions and counterfactual analysis, which is crucial for determining personalized optimal discounts. This presentation will detail our end-to-end causal inference pipeline customized for our problem but adaptable to other use cases. It will cover phases like covariate selection, causal discovery, and effect estimation, among others. We will describe our comprehensive approach, including the application and comparison of multiple causal discovery and estimation algorithms. Furthermore, we will contrast the outcomes of our causal inference pipeline with traditional ML-based methodologies, illustrating how causal inference effectively corrects biases that ML cannot address.
Clara Higuera Cabañes Lead Data Scientist, BBVA
Javier Moral Hernández Senior Data Scientist, BBVA